エコーニュースR記事 「福島原発事故時のアメリカ軍、立入禁止区域を風下160〜185キロにも設定 米国情報公開法で判明」で出てきた資料の、作成過程を知るために以下の通りの情報公開請求をアメリカ国防総省に出しています。
This is a Freedom of Information Request.
The document I am seeking are
(1) The record which concluded to need 22.5 degrees downwind as an Stand off zone, as shown in the way FOIA 14-F-0246 Final Response Power point file.
(2) The document which shows the resason US Dod decided 50 NM circle as an Stand off zone criteria.
( In item 2, I want to know what makes the difference of Stand off zone criteria between US DoD and USNRC which made 50 miles ( just 80 km ) as Stand off area. )
As I requested in FOIA 14-F-0246, I request a Full fee waiver but still agree to pay unto 25 US dollars,
Takanori Eto